Return And Refund
First, to request a free return or refund, it must comply with our Standard Warranty Policy. When shopping at we offer you returns or exchanges of your products within 30 days of receiving them. Please note that we are only accepting returns and exchanges if the item(s) is unused and packaging intact. Failure to meet this condition we reserve the right to reduce your refund by 30%. As soon as we receive your return, we will exchange your item(s) or give you a refund, depending on your wish(1-2 days). However, you will not be reimbursed for any shipping charges on your original order.
How to Return or Exchange your SUPERTEAM Products
To exchange or return your item(s) please follow the steps below:
1. Contact us
Contact information:
Tel 1:+86 15159209204
Tel 2:+1 (919) 5844385 G Voice
State your e-mail with the order number, the reason for your return , and whether you want a “Return” or “Exchange”.
2. Pack your order
Once we have received your request, we will get back to you further instructions. Pack your order.
3. Take the parcel to your local drop-off point
Remember to ask for a receipt at the drop-off. Once your return has been received, we will confirm via e-mail and send you the refund by the payment method used for the purchase. If you have chosen to exchange for other product(s) they will be shipped within 2-3 business days.
4. Postage fees
The postage for mailing the goods to us during the return/exchange shall be paid by you, and the postage for mailing the goods to you after the exchange will be paid by us.
5. Special note
If you need after-sales service for the Superteam wheels you purchased on Amazon, AliExpress, eBay, etc., please get in touch with the platform where you purchased the wheels directly for faster processing.