

高性能固定ギア自転車用に設計された Classic Novatec 固定ハブは、スムーズで信頼性の高い動力伝達を実現します。精密で耐久性のあるこれらのハブは、強度と重量の完璧なバランスを提供します。Classic Novatec 固定ハブで、ライドを次のレベルに引き上げましょう。


リムの深さ: 38mm
装備: 14
ブレーキライン: ブレーキライン付き

Rim Material——Toray T800

The rims are made from Toray T800. Toray T800 is a high-quality carbon fiber material with a shallow specific gravity, which can significantly reduce the rim's weight, improve the vehicle's acceleration performance, and climbing efficiency, and reduce rider fatigue. Carbon fiber materials can absorb road vibrations and provide a more comfortable riding experience than traditional metal materials. This feature is essential on long rides or bumpy roads.

Steel Spokes——high-quality materials

Steel spokes are usually made of high-quality materials, such as stainless steel, and therefore have high strength and durability. This means they can withstand greater tension and pressure and are suitable for use in various riding conditions. Because they are made of stainless steel and other materials, steel spokes have strong corrosion resistance and can maintain a good appearance and performance for a long time, even in bad weather or riding environments.

Integrated Design

Superteam carbon fiber wheels are not made from a single component but are designed to create a high-quality, high-performance product. As an entry-level wheelset, the classic series has excellent performance, comfort, and durability, and is a very cost-effective wheelset.